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I'm Lindsay Barrett, a wistlful old rogue who writes books. Welcome to my new online home.

For example, Shredded Time, a racy and compelling story of 127,000 words, containing many elements, not least a murder-thriller with political overtones; set in London between April and August 1971.
An unwitting insider’s view of the Lost Children of the Empire, the Atomic Generation, and the fag-end of the New Age Movement of the 1960s. Fast and exciting, a compulsive read; Nathaniel West collides with Hubert Selby Junior.
Lindsay Barrett is a talented writer from Chelsea with many completed books to his name; he is currently planning a novel entitled Sophiatown set in South Africa 1953 to 1956.
‘That is brilliant!’ declares Dom Patel.

‘That is brilliant!’ declares Dom Patel. ‘That is exactly it. Right on the money!’ Dom doesn’t even bother to consult with anyone else. Gets right onto the Evening Standard advertising department straight away. Books an ad to appear every working day for a month. Haggles for over five minutes, gets a decent discount price. The advert will start running from tomorrow - in reverse type, so as to stand out.

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Shredded Time, excerpts ...

Hollywood Road

Do you wish to be a success?

If you do, then can you probably answer yes to these ten points?
1. Do you believe you can succeed?
2. Do you want to be rich?
3. Can you exercise authority?
4. Can you sell yourself to other people?
5. Can you lead people?
6. Are you prepared to work extremely hard?
7. Can you motivate other people?
8. Do you have a degree from an English university?
9. Are you prepared to do whatever it takes?
10. Do you believe you can enjoy the rewards of money and success?

If you have answered yes to all, or most, of those ten questions, then act now!
Please contact Christophe on telephone number …

This full-page advert in London’s Evening Standard newspaper …

… sure enough the next late afternoon at Melanie’s in Mandalay Road the phone rings. Christophe in that thick, deep accent which Scott now knows to be French Algerian.


‘We would like you to start next Tuesday. You accept?’


‘Why yes’ grins Scott.


‘Meet us outside the office in Hasker Street at eleven o’ clock sharp … Yes?’


‘Yes – yes Christophe, no problem’


Already too eager.


At Kennings Car Hire, the choice is simple. All the graduates show their driving licences and are given Morris Eleven Hundreds in blue or brown. That is the choice. Some problems with Larry and his licence. He is smoulderingly sarcastic regarding Europeans accepting American driving licences. Christophe smooths over the altercation. The problem is shunted away. Scott knows that these Morris Eleven Hundreds will be too small. Too cramped for five people all day and evening long, six days a week. Finding out about the extra charge he will have to pay for renting out one of those good-looking, new Cortinas. Wait a few days, see how it all pans out. The extra space is essential for close harmony, Scott knows this only too well from his days of selling encyclopaedias for Robert Maxwell. Plus of course, the added bonus that at a pinch you can squeeze six up. Get another body out on the streets. Already starting to think in Advanced Art mode.
You have an idea. Maybe unsure how to voice it. Might well get laughed at. Rejected. But nobody else has come up with something. Dom is on the telephone with someone now. Sounds like it’s the landlord of this basement and some problem to do with the keys…The telephone clicks back on its cradle.

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Contact me to discuss your reading requirements.

Lindsay Barrett is a talented writer from Chelsea with many completed books to his name; he is currently planning a novel entitled Sophiatown set in South Africa 1953 to 1956.